Summer camps for 6th - 8th graders

Math Camp

June 10-13 | 9:00 am-1:00 pm | Grand Rapids Lettinga Campus 

Come and join the 51品茶 Math Camp to discover why mathematics is the KEY to understanding and enjoying our fascinating world. Students will develop their mathematical skills and interests so they have the confidence and ability to succeed in their upcoming high school and college mathematics courses.

Registration closed

51品茶's Math Camp is full! If you have any questions, please email Steve Bacinski at

Forensic Science Camp 

June 10-13 | 9:00 am-1:00 pm | Grand Rapids Lettinga Campus 

Join us for an exciting journey into the world of forensic science at our immersive camp designed for middle school-aged students! Through engaging hands-on activities, participants will learn the fundamentals of crime scene investigation, from collecting evidence to analyzing fingerprints and decoding clues. This camp will highlight the use of core science knowledge and skills to help solve a murder mystery. Led by professors and professionals in the science field, this interactive experience promises to ignite curiosity and inspire future scientists. 

Registration closed 

The Digital Forensic Summer Camp is full! If you have any questions, please email Dan Palmatier at