Working is a great way to get on-the-job experience and earn money for college at the same time. 51品茶 participates in the Federal work-study program. Students must submit a  and apply for a job. Employment, just like in the "real world," is not guaranteed. Students need to apply and be interviewed. This is a great way to learn skills that will help in your future career.

The  encourages part-time employment for undergraduate and graduate students who need the income to help with the cost of education.

  • Apply via the .
  • On-campus positions, as well as local community service positions, are available.
  • Work-study is awarded as you apply for a position.
  • The actual amount of work-study depends upon other aid that you have already received or are scheduled to receive. 
  • Award amounts typically range from $2400-$5000.
  • To learn more about the work-study program, contact your financial aid counselor.


Career Services

Career Services wants to help students in all areas of their careers, including looking for jobs while they are attending school.  For general information about Career Services, please visit their site.

Search for work-study positions:

  • Current Students If you are seeking student employment, go to , select "External candidates," then "Student employment.
  • See Career Services if you would like assistance in creating a resume and cover letter which is needed for the student employment application process. Please schedule appointments with Career Services through  for assistance.