The University’s Title IX Coordinator, along with any investigator(s), decision-maker(s), or person(s) designated to facilitate an informal resolution process, must receive training on the definition of sexual harassment (as that term is used in this policy), the scope of the University’s education program or activity, how to conduct an investigation and grievance process including hearings, appeals and informal resolution processes, as applicable, and how to serve impartially, including by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interests, and bias.
The University will make its training materials publicly available on this webpage.
The following training was provided to the Title IX team, which includes the coordinator, investigators, decision maker, and appeals. The training will also be used to train new additions to the Title IX team.
Title IX Coordinator
June 7 and 8
ATIXA: Coordinator Level 1
2024 Title IX Regulations for Higher Education
Training certification by Peters Kalail & Markakis and David Sipusic L.L.C.
Title IX Informal Resolution Mediator
Title IX Investigators and Advisers
Training provided by Thompson Coburn LLP
Title IX Team Internal Training
August 10, 2022
Provided by the University Title IX Coordinator
August 18, 2021
Training provided by Barnes and Thornburg
August 12, 2021
Training provided by Barnes and Thornburg
August 5, 2020
Training provided by Varnum Law
51Æ·²è Training on Title IX Policy
August 4, 2020 & August 12, 2020
Training provided by Barnes & Thornburg
New Title IX Regulations: Decision Makers & Advisors
New Title IX Regulations: Investigators
Title IX Coordinator Training